At Auburn Psychological Wellness Center (APWC), we can conduct psychological testing related to emotional support animal (ESA) requests. Before scheduling this type of assessment, however, we want our clients to be aware of our general requirements related to ESA evaluations.
Requirements for an ESA Recommendation
Condition 1: A Disability
We can only recommend an ESA for a person with a disability. We use the psychodiagnostic assessment we conduct at APWC to determine if there is a mental health-related disability present.
Condition 2: Impairment
In order for an ESA accommodation to be needed, clients must have impairment in a major life activity related to the diagnosed disability. We determine the extent of impairment during the assessment process, and we can consider evidence provided by clients or other sources.
Condition 3: A Qualified Animal
APWC assessment clients must show that they have an animal qualified to be an ESA. Our clients must provide adequate documentation that their animal is trained to provide assistance for the disability-related impairment. In addition, clients must document that the animal is trained to engage appropriately in public settings (when the ESA may have contact with others). This documentation would come from an animal training facility that specializes in ESA. Clients must provide adequate documentation to APWC before we release our report.
Accommodation Settings
- air travel (needed for air travel and/or activity at the destination);
- home-based tasks;
- academic/work settings;
- other settings as appropriate.
Schedule an Appointment
If you would like to schedule testing related to emotional support animal (ESA) accommodations, contact our office at (334) 219-0425 or to schedule an appointment. Please be aware that assessments require several in-person visits to our Auburn, AL office spread out over several weeks.